
Click on the links below to dive deep into the topics.


Absolute Values

Course Description

Level: Intermediate  (Grade 8/9)

You must have learnt about negative and positive numbers. This chapter deals about making negative numbers into positive numbers. This is a very simple concept but later applied in many higher level mathematics.

Prior knowledge required

  • Concept of positive and negative numbers
  • Representing all real numbers on a number line
  • Solving linear equations in one variable (for solving equations with modulus unit)
  • Linear and quadratic inequalities (for absolute inequalities  unit)
  • Functions (for Absolute value function unit)


  • Meaning of Absolute Value
  • Absolute value and its applications
  • Properties of Absolute Value
  •  Solving equations with modulus
  • Absolute inequalities
  • Absolute value function

Think: Why do we need to convert negative values into positive values? Can this be connected to psychological approach to life: ” it is necessary to convert all negative thoughts into positive thoughts in one’s life”?

Go to Absolute Values page


Course Description

Level: Intermediate  (Grade 7/8)

This topic deals with one of the many interesting concepts in mathematics which has been in use since the ancient history of mathematics. Babylonians, Greeks, Egyptians, Chinese and Indians were among the most common civilizations that included the concept of angles in their measurements. In this unit, you will learn the basic idea of angles – what they are and how they are measured – and about various types of angles and how to construct them using a protractor.

This chapter starts from the basic and therefore no prior knowledge required.


  • Definition and Notations
  • Types of angles
  • Measuring and Constructing angles
  •  Angles between two parallel lines
  • Angles in a polygon

Think: What are the different areas in which angles play a major role? Is it just on aesthetic grounds or is there any scientific reason that nature has different types of angles for each of its components?

Go to Angles page


Binomial Theorem

Course Description

Level: High school  (Grade 10/11)

In this section, you will learn about expanding an expression in the  form  (x+

Prior knowledge required:

  • Simple knowledge on expanding two terms in brackets
  • Polynomials – the notations, terminology such as terms, coefficients, powers, degrees etc. of a polynomial.
  • Know the meaning of the words ‘ascending’ and ‘descending’
  • Knowledge of Permutations and Combinations


  • Understanding binomial expansions
  • Pascal’s Triangle
  • Connecting ‘Combinatorials’ with Pascal’s triangle
  •  Binomial Theorem
  • Applying binomial theorem in problems
  • Finding general term
Think: Why should the exponent (n) be restricted to only Natural numbers? How can we find an expansion for other numbers, say rational exponents, for example √(x+y)? What if the numbers in the base of the exponent are not real but complex, for example, (x+iy)³?

Go to Binomial Theorem page


Course Description

Level: High school  (Grade 11/12)

Change is the only thing that does not change!!

Everything in the world changes – be it living or non – living. Living things grow, move, reproduce etc., while non-living things also undergo certain changes like shapes, size or even characteristics depending on their nature. But, there is definitely a change in everything. The change could be physical, environmental or even genetic. Some things change with time while others change relative to some other factors around them. In every change, there is mathematics and this branch of mathematics that deals with change is called Calculus.

Calculus is an important part of mathematics which helps in identifying and analyzing any changing aspect. This later extends to much higher level of mathematics that deals with infinity, infinitesimals, rate of change, creating mathematical models, finding area of any 2 dimensional shape and volume of any 3 dimensional solid and many more.

In this section, we will learn about different parts of Calculus. Click on each subtopic to learn more about them:

Course Description

Level: Higher (Grade 11/12)

This course introduces the basic concept of Limits. Calculus is based on the idea of infinity and infinitesimal. Hence, understanding the behavior of a function at infinity or at 0 or any other given point is important before getting deeper into calculus. Limit of a function shows how a function behaves around a specific point.

Enjoy this chapter limitlessly!

Prior knowledge required:


  • Functions
  • Sequences and series


  • Introduction
  • DNE – Limit Does Not Exist
  • Limits on Polynomial functions
  • Limits on trigonometric functions
  • Limits on exponential functions
  • Limits on hybrid functions
  • Limits on rational functions

Go to Limits page

Course Description

Level: Higher (Grade 11/12)

This course explains how to find the average rates of change in different cases. You will learn about what is meant by rate of change and what is the implication of the average rate of change between two instances of occurrence.

Change is the only constant in the world!

Prior knowledge required:

  • Functions
  • Limits
  • Idea of gradient (slope) of line


  • Introduction
  • Rates of Change from Table
  • Rates of Change in Kinematics
  • Rates of Change in functions

Go to Rates of Change page

Course Description

Level: Higher (Grade 11/12)

This unit describes the various aspects of Differential Calculus from finding the derivatives of simple functions using The First Principle method and L’Hopital’s rule. It goes further to find the derivatives of product, quotient and composite functions using product rule, quotient rule and chain rule respectively. It ends with finding the derivative of implicit functions. At the end of this unit you can see the collection of derivatives of all basic functions. 

This section starts with an activity given in the previous section Rates of change. It will be necessary to complete this activity to understand this section better.

Prior knowledge required: (click on the links to get the required knowledge before you get into this unit)


  • Functions
  • Limits
  • Rates of change


  • Derivatives
  • The First Principle Method
  • L’Hopital’s Rule
  • Rules of Derivatives
  • Implicit differentiation
  • List of derivatives

Go to Differential Calculus page

Congruency & Similarity

Course Description

Level: Intermediate  (Grade 7/8)

Have you ever tried to order a print of your favorite photo? If so, you would have come across various options in the output size. What is common about the measurements of these sizes?

If you compare the sides of A-size papers (A1, A2 etc.) you will find that they are in same proportion.

In many aspects, we prefer to have different sizes of the same object but would like to maintain the same shape. All such objects are called ‘similar’ objects. Sometimes, we would want exactly the same size as well as the shape to be replicated. Such are ‘congruent’ objects. In this unit, you will learn the differences and commonalities of the two types of objects. You will also learn how these concepts are used in finding their areas and volumes.

Prior knowledge required:

  • Ratio and proportions
  • Knowledge of triangles and their geometrical construction
  • Properties of geometrical shapes
  • Transformation of geometrical shapes
  • Area and Volume of different shapes


  • Definition of Congruency and Similarity
  • Comparing triangles
  • Area and Volume of Similar figures

Think: Artists create several representations of nature in their works at different scales. What do they base the selection of the dimensions of such works? Is it common for all types of art?

Go to Congruency & Similarity page


Course Description

Level: Beginner (Grade 6/7) Intermediate (7/8)

This course deals with all types of numbers and various operations on each of them. You will know why and how different numbers were formed. You will also learn all operations on all types of numbers – addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, rationalization, simplification etc. The types of numbers start from Natural numbers to Complex numbers. Part of this course up to Integers are for beginner level and the remaining type of numbers (Rational to Real) are applicable to intermediate levels.

Hope you get innumerable pleasure from this topic!


  • Numerals
  • Types of Numbers
  • Operations on Numbers

Think: How important it is to have an appropriate notation for numbers? How did the present number system overcome the difficulties that its predecessors had? Do you think there will be any limitations to the present decimal system in future? Is it that we are so much used to this system that we cannot find any limitations yet?

Go to Numbers page

Ratio and Proportions

Course Description

Level: Intermediate  (Grade 7/8)

A cake recipe gives measurements to make a cake of 1kg weight, but you need only 500 gm cake. How will you calculate the exact measurements for each ingredient?

You want to frame a picture that you took on  your last trip to the mountains. How much do you have to enlarge  your original photo to fit the frame?

All such questions involve a concept called Ratios and Proportions. In this unit, you will learn about how ratios are used and what are the different types of proportionality with some real life examples. For more problems on this topic, click on the Practice Worksheet tab on the menu bar.

Prior knowledge required:

  • Fractions
  • Decimals
  • Units and conversions
  • Map drawing


  • Ratios
  • Simplifying ratios
  • Dividing quantities using ratios
  • Proportions
  • Direct and Inverse proportion
  • Ratios in map scales

Think: Ratios and proportions are seen everywhere in nature. Is this for aesthetic purposes only or are there any other reasons? Artists use ratios often, in a way to reproduce what is in nature. Is it necessary? Is it possible to reproduce nature without using proportionality? Does modern art include proportionality?

Go to Ratio and Proportions page
